Sweet Home Fire was able to purchase 5 new AEDs with the assistance of grant funds from the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund. The automated external defibrillators will be placed on fire apparatus at all 4 of the Sweet Home Fire District stations including Cascadia, Crawfordsville, and Foster, as well as the main fire station. They will replace the 4 units that became obsolete due to their age. These life-saving devices will be deployed on quick response units that may arrive on scene before an ambulance in certain circumstances. They will be operated by firefighters trained in their use, in conjunction with the administration of CPR, until more advanced care arrives. This will give victims of cardiac arrest the best chance of survival.
The Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund has been a big supporter of the fire district and our community for many years, providing grant funds for emergency response and training equipment. We are grateful to the tribe for their continued support.
If photo is available it can be found here
Grant from Siletz Tribe helps Sweet Home Fire Purchase AEDs (Photo)