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The Sweet Home Fire District has installed a “dry” hydrant in Cascadia. This dry hydrant will serve as the primary fire suppression water source for structure fires as well as wild fires in the area East of Sweet Home. Up until now the District has not had an adequate and reliable water supply in that area. This system is capable of supplying fire engines with 800 gallons per minute out of a 150,000 gallon pond, using our existing fire engines to draft the water out of the hydrant system. Previously the district had to resort to using a private hydrant only capable of filling one tender and then returning to the city to get water. The closest city hydrant performs 650 gallons per minute of domestic water and requires water tenders to complete a 45 minute round trip to travel there and back. The new hydrant is 9 miles closer and capable of supplying water faster. Having this “dry” hydrant in Cascadia is a huge improvement for fire protection in the area.
If photo is available it can be found here
Dry Hydrant installed in Cascadia (Photo)